Life at LaunchPad Lab

Our Culture

We’ve long believed that the physical location of where you do your work shouldn’t matter. As a remote-first workplace, creating opportunities to unite our team members and foster human connection is a top priority.

  • It’s Just Coffee

    Get randomly matched with another team member and take 30 minutes to get to know someone new.

  • Lunch and Learns

    Every Wednesday, you can find our team enjoying a team-wide Lunch and Learn event.

  • Slack Channels

    From raising children to discussing a favorite gym routine, our Slack channels boost our team camaraderie.

  • Committees

    We’ve launched self-run committees to give team members time and space to bond over shared interests and hobbies.

  • Quarterly Events

    Every quarter, we participate in a fun team-building event—all over Zoom!

  • Giving Back

    From being intentional about our actions through our own Green Committee to contributing to charities on behalf of our team members, we’re passionate about giving back to our community.

Values we live by

Our Company Constants

Since our founding, LaunchPad Lab has been home to a team of diverse interests and varied skill sets. To ensure long-lasting alignment as we’ve grown, we defined a few guidelines to shape our company culture.

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Our innovation program

SPACE Promotes Experimentation and Curiosity

One of the core elements of our internal work culture is SPACE, an internal innovation program where we experiment with new technologies, explore our passions, launch products, and simply have fun with our own ideas. Here’s how it works:

  • Pitch Day

    Team members have the opportunity to pitch fun ideas they’ve been considering as a side project. Participants can decide if they want to join a team and work with others or work on their own project.

  • Quarterly SPACE Time

    In between client deadlines, our team spends time on SPACE projects or personal development initiatives—and many of these side projects eventually make their way to serve the needs of our clients.

  • Demo Weeks

    Every creative needs a safe space to launch new ideas—and developers and designers are no different. Demo Weeks offer our team a collaborative opportunity to share new ideas, receive helpful feedback, and show off their creativity.

Current Openings

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Sound like you’d be a good fit? We’d love to meet you.

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So many reasons to join

Benefits & Perks

Beyond our employee-led Company Constants and our love for life-long curiosity and professional development, being an employee at LaunchPad Lab comes with an array of other perks:

  • Competitive Salary

  • 401K + Company Matching

  • Annual Conference and Education Budget

  • Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance Plans

  • Flexible Remote Work and Unlimited Vacation Policy

  • New Computer Purchase and Replacement Plan

  • Annual Company On-Site

  • Generous Parental Leave Policy


What Our LPLers Are Saying

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