Once a site is launched it’s important to not forget about accessibility. The content that gets added to your site via your favorite content management systems like WordPress, Contentful, Prismic, etc can negatively impact your compliance if not done correctly. Below are a couple easy guidelines to follow when creating new pages and editing content.

Image ALT Text

All non-text content that is presented to the user has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose (Guideline 1.1.1).

When a user is visually impaired, alternative text gives them context about what the image conveys when using assistive technology (like a screen reader). It’s also very beneficial for users when an image doesn’t load (like if there’s a slow internet connection or broken image paths). An added bonus of writing good alt text is better SEO.



A very alert Mini Australian Shepherd laying on a couch surrounded by pillows.


Section headings are used to organize the content (Guideline 2.4.10).

Headings on a page must be organized based on the content’s hierarchy. And while someone might want something styled like a particular heading level (to show more or less emphasis), it’s important to keep the proper structure.



The first example has a Heading 1 followed by a Heading 3 which is incorrect. In the 2nd example and 3rd chronological heading order is used.

Link/Button Text

The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context, except where the purpose of the link would be ambiguous to users in general (Guideline 2.4.4).

A user should have a clear understanding of the purpose and destination of each link on a page. Screen readers have the ability to generate a list of links that a user can choose from to help users navigate a website or app.



Title & Description Tags

Web pages have titles that describe topic or purpose (Guideline 2.4.2).

Title and description tags summarize the content of a particular page. It helps people differentiate between multiple tabs open in a browser and easily navigate between them.



Additional Tips

So with all these tips in mind, happy editing!

Monique Silva

Director of Design

Monique's interest in design started at a young age, but it wasn't until going to school at the University of Illinois that she discovered her love of UX & UI design. With degrees in both Graphic Design and Psychology, she has developed a strong understanding of how design can enrich a user's overall experience. She also enjoys running outdoors, reading, and baking/eating plenty of baked goods.

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