With any business, keeping users and their data secure is an ultimate priority. For several recent projects, the LaunchPad Lab team has used Auth0, an adaptable, easy-to-implement authentication and authorization platform. 

Whether you’re a developer seeking the best technology to ensure seamless access for users, or a business wondering if your authentication platform is robust enough, keep reading to learn more about why our development team loves Auth0. 

What is Auth0?

Any login box for a company must strike the perfect balance of user security, privacy, and ease of use. Auth0 merges all of these elements into a streamlined identity management platform for users. With various levels of security, user management, and a customizable user interface, Auth0 is one of our favorite ways to keep our clients’ access portals secure and convenient to use.

Why choose Auth0?

As a flexible drop-in solution, Auth0 can save teams and organizations time and energy. 

Auth0 might be a good fit for your business if: 

4 Reasons to Use Auth0 

It pairs well with any language or stack. 

When you use Auth0 for your applications and APIs, developers can connect any application written in any language or stack. You can also define the external identity providers and integrations you’d like to use—making Auth0 a powerful and flexible option.

We’ve used the Auth0 React SDK for a client in the boating industry, linking their Auth0 record to their Salesforce account ID, to give them proper permissions to access their portals and account information. In another financial services product we built, we also used Auth0 and Auth0 React SDK to link contacts in Salesforce to Auth0 users to authenticate API requests to a Mulesoft gateway and fetch permissions from Salesforce.

It provides multiple ways for users to log in. 

Auth0 makes it simple to build a frictionless, secure authentication experience. Users can log in with a traditional username and password, through their social accounts—such as Google, Facebook, Twitter—or via a one-time login code sent via email or text message. 

Auth0 also offers the ability for a company to merge user accounts together if, for example, a user has signed in via Facebook and then created an account separately via email.

It enhances the user and partner management experience. 

Because Auth0 maintains its own database of user connections, it provides a scheme where you can connect Auth0 to a legacy authentication database and then migrate those users over to a new database. 

Along with comprehensive export and import options, Auth0 offers a helpful management experience for brands looking to streamline user accounts, user migration, user search, access control, and more.

It’s extensible.  

Auth0 offers a comprehensive marketplace where you can integrate ready-made solutions into your application for different technologies, social connections, and more. One of our favorite parts of Auth0 is its simplicity in setup—find the right solution for you and you can set it up within seconds. With Auth0, it’s also possible to customize the login or signup workflow with specific actions or application-specific code. 

Ready to learn more?

If you’re looking for a partner to elevate your digital experience, LaunchPad Lab is here to help. Our team can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors with an amazing digital experience. 

Schedule your free Discovery Call with us to learn more.

Mike Wislek


Mike loves design, whether it’s the design of buildings, parks, gardens, or software. And he has always been impressed by creativity expressed in any form, which is what drew him to LaunchPad Lab. Mike has worked in many different software creation roles, including architecture and system engineering. But software development has always been his passion, along with gardening, movies, art, and hiking through our national parks (or anywhere else for that matter).

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