Unlock ROI with AI

Building the Business Case for AI

Automation and AI Agents augment time-consuming, manual work, reducing operational costs with streamlined workflows, improving the customer experience with faster responses, and freeing your team up to focus on more strategic, complex initiatives.

  • Boost Profit

    AI augmentation reduces workforce overhead.

  • Increase Revenue

    Real-time responses and SDR Agents drive revenue.

  • Deliver Consistency

    Automation ensures consistent service and processes.

  • Scale Effectively

    Scale rapidly with demand without driving up costs.

  • Improve Maintainability

    Fully managed maintenance and support gives peace of mind.

AI Automation Workshop Overview

Fast-Tracking Development with AI Automation

Bring together business stakeholders and cross-functional expertise to identify opportunities, set clear goals, and build alignment in a matter of hours.

  • Business Value Assessment

    90 minutes
    Assess the current state of your business operations, challenges, and goals. Our cross-functional team of experts will dig deep to understand your data sources and infrastructure to identify opportunities for AI enhancement.

    Cost – FREE

  • Future State

    90 minutes
    Chart a better path forward by exploring AI use cases beneficial for your business. Laser-focused on ROI, we’ll map out plans for aligned to your company’s objectives, working towards an idyllic, AI-enhanced future state.

    Cost – FREE

  • Art of the Possible Visualization

    1 hour
    See the vision for AI automation come to life. Together, we will leverage workshop artifacts to deliver a visualized demo, showing AI in action. This way, we’ll have the visuals to inform the final automation components.

    Cost – $0 (Yes, it’s free!)

Deliver Results

Six Key Outcomes from the AI Automation Workshop

Advancement in AI automation and AI agents like Agentforce can generate impressive returns. From Sales, Service, Marketing, and Commerce, an AI automation workshop will give you what you need to envision how AI can advance all areas of your business.

  • Set Business Requirements

  • Expected ROI

  • Identified Use Cases

  • Implementation Strategy

  • Defined Scope & Priorities

  • Visualized Proof of Concept

Reach Out

Ready to Unlock ROI with AI?

Book an AI Automation Workshop Today!