LaunchPad Lab’s team has a unique mix of backgrounds, which means that our team is able to relate and understand the wide range of industries that our clients are in. Today, we want to spotlight Kelly Keefer, LaunchPad Lab’s Business Development Manager as he celebrates his 3rd anniversary.

Kelly is a seasoned sales executive with 10+ years of proven success driving the adoption of emerging technologies to facilitate customer ROI. Through his background in marketing and advertising, Kelly takes great pride in helping businesses both define objectives and execute strategies to boost their bottom-line.

Get to know Kelly with the Q&A below:

Q: What do you do at LaunchPad Lab and how long have you worked with LPL?

A: I joined LPL at the beginning of 2019 as the company’s first dedicated sales professional.

Q: What do you tell people you do?

A: I work with entrepreneurs and businesses to get them on track for our team to build really cool technology. I have focused primarily on cultivating productive partnerships and applying a strategic approach to business development and relationship management.

Q: What did you do before you became an LPLer?

A: Prior to joining LaunchPad, I served as an account executive at multiple B2B technology companies.

Q: It’s 10 am on Saturday. What are you doing?

A: Sipping a good iced coffee (no cream, no sugar) and walking the dogs.

Q: What music do you gravitate towards when you have to be extra productive?

A: Probably a combination of just about everything from Country to Hip Hop to Rock & Roll.

Q: What’s the first CD or Album you ever purchased?

A: The first CD I purchased was Americana by The Offspring.

Q: A favorite LPL moment so far?

A: There have been many, but I would have to say dragging our CEO to the Sandler Sales conference. We visited a customer in Fort Lauderdale and spent two days soaking in the art of sales in Orlando.

Q: What inspires you?

A: Faith and family.

Q: What’s the best concert you attended?

A: Given my wide variety of music tastes, this is a tough question. Maybe Dave Matthews at Assembly Hall or T-Pain at Coco Bongo, both during my college days around 2010.

Q: What’s the last book you read?

A: I recently read ‘The 12 Week Year.’

Q: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

A: Probably when I got my Real Estate license. I have only used it a few times but still keep it active.

Q: Do you have a pet?

A: I have a twelve-year-old Collie/Shephard mix named Mogli and a seven-year-old Morki named Lucy. They love long, leashless walks chasing rabbits and squirrels through the woods.

Q: If you could visit anywhere in the world you’ve never been, where would you go?

A: I live in Greek Town in Chicago and really want to visit the Greek Islands, which happens to be the name of my favorite Greek Restaurant.

Q: What’s your secret talent that no one knows about?

A: I can juggle.

Q: What’s your favorite family tradition?

A: Our family always gets together on Christmas.

Q: Do you volunteer anywhere?

A: I volunteer at Old St. Patrick’s Church.

Q: Favorite quote?

A: Life’s a garden. Dig it.

Q: What are some of your pet peeves?

A: Inconsiderate drivers and city walkers.

Q: Do you collect anything?

A: My wife and I collect magnets from everywhere we travel!

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